Ayurveda Treatment For Spine Disorders, Low Back Pain, Sciatica, Lumbar Spondylosis, Fibromyalgia, Fascitis, etc using Rasnasaptakam Kashayam.

Hi, I hope you are doing well. Rasnasaptakam Kashayam is a herbal remedy used to treat various ailments, including rheumatism, arthritis, back pain, and muscle pain. This medicine remains made from seven herbs with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic properties.

Rasnasaptakam Kashayam works by reducing inflammation, pain, and fever. These drugs can also help improve blood circulation and treat tissue damage.

Rasnasaptakam Kashayam can remain taken in capsule or syrup form. The dose given depends on the age and condition of the patient. This medicine is usually taken three times a day after meals.

Rasnasaptakam Kashayam should not remain consumed by pregnant, lactating women and children under 12. This drug should also not remain consumed by people with kidney or liver disease.

Benefits of Rasnasaptakam Kashayam/Kwatham

This is one of the most common combinations used by Ayurveda physicians. The name “RASNASAPTHAKAM” is made up of two words – Rasna and Sapthakam. Rasna denotes the most important ingredient of the formulation. Sapthakam literally means seven and indicates the number of ingredients in the formulation. This widely used combination of seven drugs is listed in the text named Sahasrayogam. The literal meaning of this word is the compilation of a thousand combinations.

Rasnasapthakam Kwatham or Qwath or Kashayam has the following ingredients:

  1. Rasna – Alpinia galanga
  2. Guloochi – Tinospora cordifolia
  3. Aragwadha – Cassia fistula
  4. Devadaru – Cedrusdeodara
  5. Gokshuram – Tribulus terrestris
  6. Erandam – Ricinus communist
  7. Punarnava – Boerrhavia diffuse

Ingredients of Rasnasaptakam Kashayam/ Kwatham

Rasna (Alpinia galangal): the useful part of this plant is the rhizome. It is said to be the drug of choice for alleviating the vitiated VataDosha(one among the Tridoshas or tripods which maintain the equilibrium of health, the other two being Pitta and Kapha). It reduces joint pains. Carminative in nature, the rhizome is also a very effective stomachic.

Guloochi (Tinospora cordifolia): it is a highly valued drug used in Ayurveda. Its properties help to balance the Tridoshas- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It is found to be very effective in managing Rheumatoid Arthritis, high Uric Acid, Edema, renal, and liver disorders.

Erandam (Ricinus communis): this drug is also a known remedy for vitiated Vata disorders. It also normalizes the flow of Vata, helping it function in a proper way.

Presentation of Rasnasaptakam Kashayam/ Kwatham

Kwatham denotes decoction. It means the preparation remain produced by taking all the seven drugs in equal quantity forming 60 gm in total. 16 times water remain added to the crushed mix and boiled in mild flame and reduced to one-fourth volume, which forms the dose for one day. Nowadays as this preparation of decoction will be difficult on a daily basis, it is being further processed and concentrated and packed in bottles.

Recommended dosage: 15 ml of decoction mixed with 45 ml boiled and cooled water twice a day before food, preferably before breakfast and dinner.

Rasnasaptakam Kashayam/Kwatham is also available in the tablet form and the dosage is two tablets twice daily before food preferably with hot water.

Indications of Rasnasaptakam Kashayam/Kwatham

This wonderful combination of 7 drugs remain indicated for pain in the calf region, thigh region, and lower back and in the flanks. RasnasapthakamKwatham helps in balancing both Kapha and Vata Dosha. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions. It is a prime choice in the early stages of inflammatory conditions related to bones and joints or in instances where a joint inflammatory process prevails in the body. A few examples remain cited below:

  • Sciatica
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteo Arthritis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Gout
  • Lumbago
  • Backache
  • Spondylitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Fascitis

The intake of RasnasapthakamKwathamhelps reduces the inflammatory pathology in the body thus leading to a reduction in pain and other symptoms presented by the patient. Appetite and digestive capacity will remain enhanced.

Precautions of Rasnasaptakam Kashayam/Kwatham

The medicine is to remain administered under medical supervision only. It is also to remain noted that while taking this formulation, one should avoid excessive use of hot, sour, and salty food. Avoiding fried and spicy food will also add to the results. Heavy food items (which remain difficult for digestion or takes a long time to get digested) remain also to remain ideally avoided.

Side effects of Rasnasaptakam Kashayam/Kwatham

Overdose may cause gastric irritation.

Author Bio

Dr. Rajesh Nair, graduated in Ayurveda Medicine from the University of Calicut. Having 20 years of experience in blogging and online consultation, now working as the chief consultant of Ayurvedaforall.Com. More than 1000 articles published all over the media and delivering talks through visual media regularly.

Education: Honors degree in Ayurveda- BAMS, Masters degree in Business Administration, Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy.

Positions holding: Chief Editor ayurvedaforall.com and chief editor of the online portal of Ayurvedic Medical Association India, the largest association of Ayurveda Doctors in India, Convenor, Apta Webinar Series, Nominee of Govt. of Kerala to District Ayurveda COVID Response Cell, Alappuzha, Kerala.